2017 Field Trips
April 8th - Geology of Ingelton Waterfalls
Leader Hilary Davis, OUB Tutor, retired
Measuring dips and strikes in the Great Scar Limestone
In the River Twiss
The famous unconformity near Thornton Force
May 6th - Skiddaw Granite and Caldew Valley
Leader Susan Beale, WGS
Looking at the Hornfelsed Skiddaw Slate in the River Caldew
Textbook fold in the Skiddaw Slate
River Caldew, looking for the Skiddaw Granite margin
Adit in the famous Carrock Mine
July 1st - Spireslack Geopark, Ayrshire
Leader Graham Leslie, BGS
Coal seams on the Limestone coal Formation
Dip slope on the Hurlet Limestone
Dolerite Dyke in the Lower Limestone Formation
Fault on the Hurlet Limestone
July 30th Environmental Impact of Mining around Glenridding, Ullswater
Leader James Fielding, Univeristy of Southampton
Looking down at the Lucy Tongue Level spoil heaps in Glenridding
Looking up Swart Beck from Greenside processing areas
Sept 3rd Seathwaite Fell, Borrowdale
Leader Clive Boulter, WGS
Aireys Bridge in the central fells, type area of intense silicic magmatism
Auto-brecciation fabric in the Scafell Dacite
Convolute bedding in the Bowfell Links Member
Small breccia dyke in the Cockley Pike Member