2018 Field Trips April 15th - Cross Fell Inlier, Dufton Geological Map Shap Erratic above the clapper bridge Trip leader Karl Egeland Eriksen May 21st to 25th - The Geology of Mull Carsaig Lower Jurassic and cone sheet Loch Ba Ring dyke 1 WGS Ardtun 2 June 6th - Jacob's Join At Bye Mill west of Grayrigg June 15th - Ingleton Great Scar Limestone at Ingleton On the Fault across Twistleton and Raven Scars On the Limestone pavement below Ingleborourgh July 1st - Eskdale Looking for Hematite in the Nab Gill Mine spoil heaps Microgranite inlier at Devoke Water August 19th - Volcanic Lessons from the River Keer Slag, Warton Sands Clive Boulter and Duncan Woodcock Crag of slag conglomerate. Detail of slag congealing Hopper wagon to transport slag to dump Slag showing rapid cooling forming a glass September 9th - Force Crag Mine, Coledale Ball Mill Ore processing first stage Processing Mill retrospective