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Westmorland Geological Society

2015 Field Trips


April 19th - Smardale

Leader Geoff Brambles WGS

Approaching Smardale Viaduct

Approaching Smardale Viaduct

Ashfell Sandstone outcrop

Ashfell Sandstone outcrop

Carboniferous Fossil

Carboniferous fossil

Geoff with important geological specimen

Geoff with important geological specimen!

WGS members on smardale bridge

WGS members on Smardale bridge

May 8th to 10th - Langholm

Leader Andrew Macmillan - ex BGS

Cementstone Facies of the Ballagan Formation

Examining the Greywackes at Peden's View Quarry

Leader, Andrew Mc Millan

The famous anticline at Penton Linns

WGS above the Cementstone at Tarras Water

June14th - Torver High Common

Leader Mike Dewey WGS

Ashgill; J.E.Marr's mapping area

Lincomb Tarns Columnar Jointing

WGS on Torver Beck Bridge

July 5th - Geology aroung Bampton and Shap

Leader Andrew Bell OUGS

Andrew Bell enthused at an outcrop of Tailbert Formation


Andrew Bell explaining Skiddaw Group structure


At the BVG Skiddaw Group junction at Keld Gill


Examining a Felsic Dyke


WGS looking at Frith Crag Member Breccia

August 9th - Carboniferous Limestones and Sandstones of the Pendle Hill area

Leader Paul Kabrna - CPGS

Bellman Limestone member at Salthill Quarry

Bellman Limestone member at Salthill Quarry

Crinoidal Limestone at Salthill Quarry

Crinoidal Limestone at Salthill Quarry

September 6th - Windermere Group rocks around Grizebeck and Gawthwaite

Leader David Kelly CGS

Flute Casts at Burney Fell

Flute Casts at Burney Fell

Lakenhow Quarry

Lakenhow Quarry

Looking at the Poolscar Formation at Pen Hill

Looking at the Poolscar Formation at Pen Hill

WGS members looking towards the Coniston Fells

WGS members looking towards the Coniston Fells


